All you have to do in this area is to open a trading account electronically or online.
Of course, open a trading account available gold online by registering through the registration page in the intermediary company.
The most important issue at this point is that you choose a licensed broker with a trusted trusted and prestigious content.
The process of selecting a trusted intermediary depends on the licensing power of that intermediary.
The most important point of attention here is to choose a very strong licensing broker.
Choosing a strong broker makes our money safe and trading with confidence.
3 - Gold in its price and direction of price is contradictory and contradictory with the US dollar in general.
If the gold ounce rises, the US dollar will fall and vice versa.
4. Gold is in contradiction with the increase in interest on deposit in US dollars.
Of course, open a trading account available gold online by registering through the registration page in the intermediary company.
The most important issue at this point is that you choose a licensed broker with a trusted trusted and prestigious content.
The process of selecting a trusted intermediary depends on the licensing power of that intermediary.
The most important point of attention here is to choose a very strong licensing broker.
Choosing a strong broker makes our money safe and trading with confidence.
3 - Gold in its price and direction of price is contradictory and contradictory with the US dollar in general.
If the gold ounce rises, the US dollar will fall and vice versa.
4. Gold is in contradiction with the increase in interest on deposit in US dollars.
If the US government decides, for example, to raise the interest rate on US dollar deposits, the price of gold will fall.
Of course, the opposite is true in this area if the US government decides to cut the interest rate on dollar deposits, gold will rise strongly.
Why ?
Because raising interest rates on deposits in US dollars makes investors sell their gold to buy the US dollar and vice versa.
We recommend trading through a highly licensed broker who has a reliable, official Gulf Government certification that is easy to draw.
The difference between gold trading and currency trading in terms of timing
Best time to trade currencies
Now when does the market or currencies take direction or trend?
When are currencies headed towards a specific trend?
We can not set 100% at this point but we define in general.
The trend to be taken early, for example, begins after 2:30 pm.
Australian and New Zealand after 4:30 am.
Euro after 12 noon and the Pound after 11:30 pm.
USD and CAD take a trend in general after 4 pm.
We should know here that some strong news can come late for a currency and the trend change 180 degrees as it reflects technical analysis.
News and fundamental analysis are stronger when news is stronger than technical analysis.
In general, the Euro will take one trend after 12 noon and the GBP after 11.30 pm, the Australian and the New Zealand after 4 and a half.
American and Canadian after 4 and a half in general is moving in a new trend often fixed.
Of course, the opposite is true in this area if the US government decides to cut the interest rate on dollar deposits, gold will rise strongly.
Why ?
Because raising interest rates on deposits in US dollars makes investors sell their gold to buy the US dollar and vice versa.
We recommend trading through a highly licensed broker who has a reliable, official Gulf Government certification that is easy to draw.
The difference between gold trading and currency trading in terms of timing
Best time to trade currencies
Now when does the market or currencies take direction or trend?
When are currencies headed towards a specific trend?
We can not set 100% at this point but we define in general.
The trend to be taken early, for example, begins after 2:30 pm.
Australian and New Zealand after 4:30 am.
Euro after 12 noon and the Pound after 11:30 pm.
USD and CAD take a trend in general after 4 pm.
We should know here that some strong news can come late for a currency and the trend change 180 degrees as it reflects technical analysis.
News and fundamental analysis are stronger when news is stronger than technical analysis.
In general, the Euro will take one trend after 12 noon and the GBP after 11.30 pm, the Australian and the New Zealand after 4 and a half.
American and Canadian after 4 and a half in general is moving in a new trend often fixed.