Wednesday, February 7, 2018

What is gold break trade? A gold break is one of the profit-making patterns that are applied in most goldsmith shops. It is the buying or selling of old and used gold or with certain disadvantages (just minor defects such as a piece of warp or something like that). And gold break the circulation between individuals and shops jewelers, who in turn remove any stones or lobes from the pieces of gold purchased, in the case of presence and then dissolve those pieces to get rid of the impurities present as a result of frequent use and re-manufacturing again.

What are the advantages of gold break trade? The gold break trade is characterized by many advantages, such as it does not require large financial costs to complete, the possibility of selling gold pieces break after melting and polishing and remake again and sell as a new piece of gold, one of the easiest types of trade that can turn the head Free money into a profitable business that increases capital, can be bought at the same price of gold on the stock exchange without the need to pay the factory, ease of mobility and ease of pregnancy from one place to another.


Important tips for those who want to trade broken gold
  • The best caliber of the broken gold trading is 21 caliber because its price is equal to the same price of gold on the stock exchange.
  • Care must be taken to break the broken pieces of gold free of stones and lobsters so as not to reduce the weight of gold after his son-in-law. The best types of pieces that are recommended to buy are guayash because of the lack or lack of workmanship, as well as characterized by increased demand for them.
  • The gold can be purchased but it is not as easy to sell as the rest of the species, especially guava.
  • It is advisable to deal with more than one dealer and not one trader because this gives the ability to divide and trade between them in terms of price. It is recommended to make the date of trading gold pieces break after the closing date of the London Stock Exchange because traders take the average prices for the beginning of trading and the average price at the close of the London Stock Exchange on the same day and the beginning of the next day.
  • Search for the logo of the company on the piece of gold, because there are after the companies that allow the sale of the piece of gold, including the cloves and stones without discounting weight.
  • There are those who polish the gold break before selling it to the dealers until it looks just like new when you sell it.

What are the disadvantages of the gold break trade?
The trade of breaking gold, like any other type of trade, has some disadvantages, such as if there are many stones and lobes in gold pieces, this leads to cheap price, ie, selling them at a low price to the goldsmith's shop. The monopoly on achieving more profits, as well as the need for equipment to burn and re-manufacture the pieces of gold used.

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